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Push for the


Promoting the benefits of a regional lifestyle & investment.

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About Push for the Bush

Tim Renwick, founder Push for the Bush;

Sales & Marketing Manager Independent Builders Network

When I recently looked into reinvesting into a new home to rent out, I had a look at the stock available around where I lived and quickly compared the stories of struggling first home buyers and the challenges that they faced, well, at nearly 50 years of age I was facing too!


For a bloke who worked in the building industry, and a resident of Melbourne, an overpriced, overpopulated yet un­derwhelming with rental returns, I need­ed to look abroad, but not overseas, and definitely not at other capital cities.


On the road I was finding gems through regional Queensland, Vic­toria and New South Wales and the fal­lacy of 'no jobs' in the country was soon negated when I met with local councils who had issues filling jobs and plenty were on offer, skilled, non-skilled and even tertiary qualified careers that came with a regional lifestyle along with city living environments.

So if there were jobs getting taken up and more people looking for this real life, why weren't there people investing in these cities where the entry point to purchasing a property were more than reduced compared to Sydney and Mel­bourne, yet there were waiting lists for probable tenants and many other ben­efits offering up incentives to savvy buy­ers who would reap the benefits.


Upon visits to regional centres like Wagga Wagga, Albury Wodonga, Ben­digo, Warrnambool, Mildura and even Toowoomba in Queensland, I’ve discov­ered many pros but very few cons with investing into these areas.

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